Course Offerings for Spring 2025 Semester

On-site classes: January 6 – April 22  |  Video classes: January 6 – May 2

Course Course Title Major Restriction(s)
CEE 6314 Fundamentals of Environmental Modeling and Mathematics Prof. Wenlong Zhang
CEE 6330 Physicochemical Processes Prof. Hang Dong
CEE 6332 Separation Processes Prof. Hang Dong
CEE 6350 Advanced Environmental Chemistry Prof. Wenlong Zhang
CS 6035 Introduction to Information Security CS, ECE Prof. Changlai Du
CS 6300 Software Development Process
(online course with in-person recitations)
CS Prof. Alessandro Orso & Recitation Instructor: Chi Chung “Marcus” Chan
CS 6460 Educational Technology: Conceptual Foundations
(online course with in-person recitations)
Prof. David Joyner & Recitation Instructor: Fandi Peng
CS 6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms Prof. Mengmeng Liu
CS 6603 AI, Ethics, and Society CS, ECE Prof. Mahender Mandala &
Recitation Instructor: Chi Chung “Marcus” Chan
CS 6750 Human-Computer Interaction Prof. David Joyner & Recitation Instructor: Fandi Peng
CSE 6242 Data and Visual Analytics Prof. Mengmeng Liu
ECE 6270 Convex Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications Prof. Bolin Gao
ECE 6456 Solar Cells Prof. Mohamed Aly Saad Aly
ECE 6510 Electro-Optics Prof. Wenshan Cai
ECE 6551 Digital Control Prof. Bolin Gao
ECE 6601 Random Processes Prof. Min Luo
ID 6101 Human-Centered Design ID Prof. Ameersing Luximon 
ID 6213 Grad Studio Two: Interactive Products ID Prof. Steve Chininis & Prof. Ameersing Luximon 
ID 6400 Master’s Project ID Prof. Ameersing Luximon 
ID 6403 Intro to Thesis Studies ID Prof. Ameersing Luximon 
ID 6420 Advanced Sketching Prof. Steve Chininis & Prof. Ameersing Luximon 
ISYE 6413 Design and Analysis of Experiments Prof. Lei Xu
ISYE 6644 Simulation Prof. Enlu Zhou
ISYE 6650 Probabilistic Models and Their Applications Prof. Lei Xu
ISYE 6748 Applied Analytics Practicum ANLT Prof. Joel Sokol & Prof. Xiaoming Huo
MATH 6701 Math Methods of Applied Sciences I Prof. Federico Bonetto
Via Streaming Video
CEE 4360 Energy and Resource Recovery Prof. Xing Xie
CS 6200 Graduate Introduction to Operating Systems CS Prof. Ada Gavrilovska
CS 6210 Advanced Operating Systems CS Prof. Umakishore Ramachandran
CS 6250 Computer Networks CS Prof. Maria Konte
CS 6262 Network Security CS Prof. Frank Li
CS 6291 Embedded Software Optimizations CS Prof. Santosh Pande
CS 6310 Software Architecture and Design CS Prof. Mark Moss
CS 6340 Advanced Topics in Software Analysis and Testing CS Prof. Mayur Naik & Prof. Christopher Poch
CS 6400 Database Systems Concepts and Design Prof. Leo Mark
CS 6475 Computational Photography CS Prof. Irfan Essa
CS 6476 Introduction to Computer Vision CS Prof. Irfan Essa
CS 6601 Artificial Intelligence CS, ANLT Prof. Thad Starner
CS 6675 Advanced Internet Computing Systems and Applications CS Prof. Ling Liu
CS 6747 Advanced Topics in Malware Analysis CS Prof. Brendan Saltaformaggio
CS 7637 Knowledge-Based AI CS, ANLT Prof. David Joyner
CS 7638 Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Robotics CS, ECE Prof. Jay Summet
CS 7641 Machine Learning CS, ANLT Prof. Theodore LaGrow
CS 7643 Deep Learning CS, ANLT Prof. Zsolt Kira
CS 7646 Machine Learning for Trading CS, ANLT Prof. David Joyner
CS 7650 Natural Language Processing CS TBA
CS 7751 Probabilistic Graphical Models in Machine Learning CS, ANLT Prof. Faramarz Fekri
ECE 6001¹ Technology Entrepreneur (ECE 6001 RSL and RS1 must accompany this registration) ECE* Prof. Gregory Mihalik & Mr. Fandi Peng
ECE 6255 Digital Processing of Speech Signals Prof. Chin-Hui Lee
ECE 6331 Power Electronic Circuits Prof. Maryam Saeedifard
ECE 6553 Optimal Control Prof. Erik Verriest
ECE 6560 Partial Differential Equations in Image Processing and Computer Vision Prof. Anthony Yezzi 
ECE 6602 Digital Communications Prof. John R Barry
ECE 6612 Computer Network Security ECE Prof. Frank Li
ECE 6747 Advanced Topics in Malware Analysis ECE Prof. Brendan Saltaformaggio
ECE 7751 Probabilistic Graphical Models in Machine Learning ECE Prof. Faramarz Fekri
ID 6106 3D Design Methods no ECE Prof. Timothy Purdy 
ID 6108 Survey of Industrial Design History no ECE Prof. Joyce Medina
ISYE 6402 Time Series Analysis ANLT Prof. Nicoleta Serban
ISYE 6501 Introduction to Analytics Modeling ANLT Prof. Joel Sokol
ISYE 6669 Deterministic Optimization Prof. Santanu Dey
MGT 6203 Data Analytics Business ANLT Prof. Lizhen Xu
MGT 8803 Special Topics: Intro to Business for Analytics ANLT Prof. Ryan Blunck

(Courses are subject to change.)

* Major restriction on ECE 6001 will be removed around noon ET on Wednesday during the first week of classes.

All other major restrictions will not be removed.

  1. ECE 6001 is required for MS ECE students and will be offered each fall and spring semesters. In-person studios and labs.