Degree Requirements – Master of Industrial Design


MS Industrial Design

To complete the MID, students must pass all required courses, complete a minimum of 16 credit hours of approved elective coursework, and take a minimum of 12 credit hours of Master Thesis or Project Work. This amounts to a minimum of 48 credit hours for degree completion.


The Master of Industrial Design (MID) degree consists of two years of study. It is made up of three components of required coursework: Program Core Courses, Graduate Electives, and Master Thesis or Project.

Below are the MID program degree requirements and credit hour breakdown. Electives listed are examples of tentative MID program electives.


Program Core Course (20 Credits Total)



ID 6100 – Intro to Graduate Education in Industrial Design

3 Credits

ID 6101 – Human Centered Design

3 Credits

ID 6211 – Graduate Studio I

4 Credits

ID 6216 – Service Design, Brand and Value Creation

3 Credits

ID 6403 – Intro to Thesis Studies

3 Credits

ID 6213 – Grad Studio II: Interactive Products

4 Credits


Graduate Electives (Minimum 16 Credits)

Select 16 credit hours of approved elective coursework. These electives may be graduate level electives offered through the MID program (industrial design electives) or other Georgia Tech departments.

Listed below are tentative design elective options . Please see the coursework planning page for the full list of industrial design elective offerings.



ID 6104 – Drawing

3 Credits

ID 6105 – Brand and Visual Design

3 Credits

ID 6106 – 3D Design Visualization Method

3 Credits

ID 6107 – Integrated Product Design

3 Credits

ID 6108 – Survey of ID History

3 Credits

ID 6109 – Human Factors and Ergonomics

3 Credits

CS 6460 – Educational Technology

3 Credits

CS 6750 – Human-Computer Interaction

3 Credits

ECE 6001 – Technology Entrepreneurship

3 Credits


Master Thesis or Project Requirements (Minimum 12 Credits)



ID 7000 – Master’s Thesis


ID 6400 – Master’s Project (Non-Thesis)

12 Credits